Malta Payroll Services

We understand the complexities of delivering payroll & keeping up with changing rules.

Malta Payroll Services

Do you need a more accessible and efficient way to manage your payroll function?

BDO Malta understands the complexities of delivering high-quality payroll outsourcing, HR and mobility services and ensures clients’ are up to date with changing rules. Keeping all systems and functions in-house and navigating laws and regulations across multiple jurisdictions may be challenging and time-consuming for employers, risking non-compliance, administrative difficulties and potential fines.

With our payroll outsourcing services, clients eliminate the cost of acquiring and maintaining in-house expertise, investing in payroll software, and managing the associated infrastructure costs. This allows you to focus on your business and core competencies whilst ensuring efficient and flexible payroll processing, better compliance and continuous support. You get access to tailored, cost-effective, and scalable solutions wherever you do your business.


Our Payroll Outsourcing services include: 
  • Payroll software management
  • Payslips management
  • Provision of detailed payroll reports 
  • Processing and submissions of monthly and annual statutory forms under the Final Settlement System (FSS)
  • Integration with client’s HR, time & attendance, and finance systems
  • Employer registration with Jobsplus / MTCA
  • Registration and termination of employees with Jobsplus / MTCA and onboarding processing
  • Registration of employees with the tax and social security authorities
  • Advisory services on payroll matters (such as share options, et.)
  • Assistance with Malta tax programmes applications

Our payroll team helps you effectively manage your time and payroll related costs, offering you improved efficiency and quality. Our clients also enjoy access to the BDO Malta’s expertise in complex tax regulations, employment laws, and compliance requirements, which stays up-to-date with the latest regulatory changes and ensure accurate and compliant payroll processing.

Want to know more? Get in touch with our payroll team

Key Contacts

Get in touch with our payroll leader