The Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP)

The MPRP scheme grants qualifying applicants the opportunity to reside in Malta indefinitely

Why Malta?

Described as one of the most dynamic economies in the EU, Malta offers a high standard of living, a good level of education, an excellent health care  system and a warm climate. Malta also guarantees a safe, politically and economically stable environment as well as exceptional business opportunities.  

What are the benefits offered by the Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP)? 


  • Successful applicants will be entitled to take up residence and remain indefinitely in Malta without  the need of obtaining an entry visa.
  • Successful applicants will enjoy visa-free travel within the Schengen area.
  • Applicants may include their dependants in their application for MPRP, namely spouse, minor children, children who are over the age of eighteen, yet not married and not economically active, as well as parents or grandparents of the main applicant or of his spouse. The children, parents and grandparents must be principally dependant on the main applicant. 
  • Taking up residence in Malta may also provide the possibility to restructure business interests within the Maltese legal framework

How can we assist?

BDO Malta can offer a team of specialists who possess in-depth knowledge and experience of the related legislation and are able to assist applicants and their dependants throughout the application process.  BDO can also advise on all the fiscal and legal implications to be considered upon taking up residence in Malta.  

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