Malta Enterprise issues incentive guidelines in relation to R&D

These were offered to undertakings requiring industrial research and/or experimental development as part of their innovative projects.

Malta Enterprise issues incentive guidelines for R&D

Malta Enterprise issues incentive guidelines for R&D

On the 23rd of January 2024, Malta Enterprise issued new incentive guidelines in relation to Research and Development aid offered to undertakings requiring industrial research and/or experimental development as part of their innovative projects. 

Aid under this Scheme can be in the form of tax credits, cash grants or a combination of both. 

Maximum Aid
Maximum aid that may be awarded is primarily determined according to the size of the enterprise in line with the below table:
Size Maximum Aid for industrial research Maximum Aid for experimental development
Large Enterprises 50% of eligible costs 25% of eligible costs
Medium Enterprises 60% of eligible costs 35% of eligible costs 
Small Enterprises 70% of eligible costs 45% of eligible costs

Maximum aid entitlement may be increased by 5% - 25% subject to the satisfaction of a number of conditions in relation to the project, as stipulated in the guidelines. 

Eligible Costs
Eligible costs include:
  •  Wages of researchers, technicians and other supporting staff to the extent that they are employed on the project;
  • Costs of instruments and equipment required for the project, to the extent and for the period used for the project. 
  • Costs of contractual research, technical knowledge and patents bought or licensed from outside sources at arm’s length conditions, as well as consultancy and equivalent services used exclusively for the research project. 
  • Costs of buildings and land, to the extent and for the duration period used for the project.
  • Additional overheads and other operating expenses, including costs of materials, supplies and similar products, incurred directly as a result of the project.

If your business will be investing Research and Development during the years 2024 – 2026, feel free to get in touch to assess eligibility under this Scheme. 

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