Micro Invest 2023

You might be eligible to claim back a substantial portion of the costs incurred by applying for a Micro Invest Tax Credit.

MicroInvest 2023

MicroInvest 2023

The final deadline to submit a Micro Invest tax credit application for investments carried out in 2022 is 13th December 2023.

If you or your company invested in assets or staff during 2022, you might be eligible to claim back a substantial portion of the costs incurred by applying for a Micro Invest Tax Credit.



The general conditions for a business to be eligible under this Scheme are the following:

  • The Company must be in good standing with its tax, VAT and FSS filings and payments
  • The Company must employ at least one person (full/part-time basis), but not more than 50 full time employees
  • The Company must not have a turnover or annual balance sheet total exceeding €10million in the fiscal year preceding the year in which the application is submitted
  • Unless exempted, the company must be registered with the VAT department.


Eligible costs


1. An increase in wage costs exceeding 3%, calculated by deducting from wage costs incurred in the relevant fiscal year, the highest annual wage cost incurred in the preceding two fiscal years.

2. Costs incurred for services rendered by unrelated parties, for the furbishing and refurbishing and upgrading of business premises covered by a selective number of Planning Authority Licenses.

3. Acquiring new (or first time used in Malta) machinery, technology, apparatus and instruments.

4. Investment in systems intended to produce alternative energy or to improve energy efficiency, unless receiving other state aid support.

5. Investment in tangible and intangible assets required for digitisation of business operations. These include investment in: 

  • computer hardware
  • investment in software systems
  • investment in websites or the developments, updates and enhancements thereto, and/or digital applications.

6. The purchase of any commercial vehicle procured as new or first time registered in Malta having a European Emission Standard rating of at least Euro 5. The maximum support for the procurement of motor vehicles powered by a fossil fuel engine shall be capped at 30% irrespective of the maximum aid threshold mentioned below.

7. Investment in attaining any of the below business certifications:

  • CE Markings
  • ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems
  • ISO 50001 Energy Management
  • ISO 22000 Food Safety Management

The maximum aid per one single entity is €50,000 which may be utilised over a period of 3 (three) consecutive years, starting from year of assessment 2024 until year of assessment 2027.

The current Micro Invest programme (2020 to 2023) expires in financial year 2023 and any future Micro Invest or similar incentives are still to be announced. 

How can BDO help?

If you think that you or your company could benefit from MicroInvest, we can help you navigate the process and ensure that your application is filed correctly.


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