Andrea Kis BDO Malta

Andrea Kis

Senior Quality Manager

Executive summary

Andrea Kis joined the firm in 2008 and worked as a Senior Auditor for several years. She has been involved in the audit of various types of entities during her employment at BDO Malta and abroad. Andrea has gained professional experience and knowledge in the field of financial reporting, auditing and consolidation of financial statements in alignment with International Standards on Auditing as well as local rules and regulations.

She was promoted to Senior Audit Manager in January 2021 and advises clients’ business on high-level risk assessment and mitigation. Andrea uses her unique perspective to spot problems and opportunities that impact the success of their firms.

She is steeped in the industry, poised to take on new challenges, and ready to lead. Her experience within the firm is helping to move the profession forward. 



She holds a degree in Economics, the Financial Institution Faculty and a member of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors. She also obtained her Maltese warrant as a CPA (accountant) and CPAA (auditor) in 2013.