IMO Revised Strategy to Reduce Greenhouse Emissions

Measures will involve a goal-based marine fuel standard and maritime GHG emissions pricing mechanism, promoting energy transition and a fair transition for all.

IMO Revised Strategy to Reduce Greenhouse Emissions

IMO Revised Strategy to Reduce Greenhouse Emissions

Measures will involve a goal-based marine fuel standard and maritime GHG emissions pricing mechanism, promoting energy transition and a fair transition for all.

On the 7th of July, the International Maritime Organisation (the ‘IMO’) has adopted the revised IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships, which aims to improve:

  • Energy efficiency for new ships
  • Reduce carbon intensity in international shipping by 40% by 2030
  • Increase the use of low-carbon technologies in shipping to represent 5-10% of energy by 2030
  • Achieve net-zero emissions from international shipping by around 2050.

Measures will involve a goal-based marine fuel standard and maritime GHG emissions pricing mechanism, promoting energy transition and a fair transition for all.

The Strategy also acknowledges the unique requirements of developing nations, specifically Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), regarding capacity-building and technical cooperation. This is a clear step towards ensuring a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future for international maritime transport.