BDO workshop on Whistleblower Protection

BDO workshop on Whistleblower Protection

BDO Malta is putting up a thematic workshop on whistleblower protection that is intended to help organisations understand their requirements.

The recent amendments in the Protection of the Whistleblower Act (Cap 527) essentially mean that organisations registered in Malta and employing more than 50 workers are now obliged to set up a Whistleblower Protection governance framework with secure reporting channels which safeguard reporters’ confidentiality.

BDO Malta is geared up to assist organisations in setting up and implementing the required governance framework through its team of experts. We are putting up a thematic workshop which is intended to help organizations understand their requirements while discussing how these can adopt a professional setup and instill trust in the organisations’ commitment towards such obligations.

Topics that will be discussed include the following:


Colin Calleja, Risk Advisory Manager, BDO Malta

Who should attend?

Chief Risk Officers, Compliance Officers, Risk Managers, Internal Auditors, Regulatory Compliance Officers, CEOs/COOs, Company Directors, Representatives of companies with more than 50 employees.


BDO Malta office, Triq it-Torri, Msida MSD 1824.


Thursday 21st July 2022, from 8.30am (registration) – 9am (start) – 10am (finish)