SWIFT CSP: Our solution

BDO Malta offers you knowledgeable and experienced cybersecurity professionals to guide you towards CSP attestation.

BDO has the knowledge and experience to ensure your SWIFT CSP is carried out efficiently and effectively with minimal disruption to your operation. Our team of experts hold internationally recognised certifications across all relevant industries including Data Privacy & Protection, Anti-Money Laundering, Cybersecurity, Project Management, and more.

Our experts support the SWIFT Customer Security Program in the following ways:

  • Planning & kick-off

We start by understanding your organisation, validating the architecture type and agreeing on the scope and the timeline of the assessment. 

  • SWIFT CSP independent assessment

Our certified professionals conduct an independent assessment of the current level of mandatory security controls against the CSCF requirements.  The assessment includes a validation of policies, processes and business practices as discussed throughout meetings with stakeholders and evidenced by a walkthrough of relevant systems and documentation. 

  • Actionable remediation plan

For any gaps in security controls against the CSCF requirements, BDO Malta will propose potential improvement points and remediation steps in a prioritised action plan. 

Our security professionals will guide you on the attestation process in a pragmatic and well-structured manner, staying on top of the engagement until you have a statement in hand to upload onto the SWIFT KYC-SA portal. 

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